All acupuncture is not the same. Most people are surprised to learn there are different styles of acupuncture and some are better than others depending on the condition. I am trained in different styles and often incorporate and layer the most appropriate components to achieve better results. Acupuncture treats the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. Often physical and emotional conditions have a connection. With this in mind, acupunc... Read more
My professional manual therapy is heavily influenced by my acupuncture training. This means you may experience a hybrid session with familiar techniques sprinkled in with acupressure, point work, medical QiGong... whatever is necessary to treat your condition. Or if you simply need to check out and relax for a bit, we can do that as well. Rest assured that I am highly trained and a massage specialist with years of experience in pain manag... Read more
We're back on our regular schedule. Grateful for the regulars and delighted to see new faces! 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month 9:00am and very Friday 8:00am.